Carried out to Sea
The calm , crystal , blue waters with beams of sunlight and magical rays of shimmer slowly loose their celestial aqua tone.
As the ocean becomes murkier and murkier the further out and the deeper down we dare to venture
Afraid-yet I convince myself only fear is to be feared.
As my eyes swell up with involuntary tears, heartful memories flash in my minds eye.
No reassurance,no life jacket,only dart like sprays hitting me hard from the tips of the froth of the tidal waves ahead.
The black hole has not played its part after all.
It has not sucked up the broken hearts or taken the masquerades.
Fooled again I wonder if this time I will have the stamina to swim to shore.
Dream turns to nightmare.
S O S — nope ,no calls of help answered.
The captain is no where in sight.
I dared to adventure into choppy seas.
The blame lies entirely on me .
I can only tread water from here .
I am freezing from the coldness of the icey -sea waters no chance of any warmth.
The bitterly cold water and wind together send shivers of pain that numbs my whole body.
Unwanted, uninvited terrorists in disguise- contaminated our well of trust and love- and filled it
in the form of trickery.
Shipwrecked ,then tossed and disregarded like a “stinky fish" into the ocean — my mind needs to take charge to ensure my safe return to shore .
Dismally , I — no longer entertain even — the slightest possibility that the captain will return.
# artificial # fake #self-orientated #act #foolery #artlessness deceit#fiction#love#